Key Features
This section provides an overview of some of RIAAT's key features, such as integrated cost and schedule risk analysis, cost components structures, the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), distribution functions, correlation settings, diagrams, RAMS and much more. Each feature is demonstrated in detail with screenshots from the software in downloadable information sheets.
get started: presentations, tutorials, model guide, modelling examples and the RIAAT library
Right from the start screen, RIAAT contains a series of informative presentations, tutorials, model guides, modelling examples and a library to get you started.

integrated cost and schedule risk analysis
RIAAT provides industry-best methods for integrated cost and schedule risk analysis. Especially for large-scale infrastructure projects, schedule delay is often significant, and time-related cost represents a large portion of the overall cost. By assigning risks to the project schedule, a more realistic “risk-adjusted” overview of the project is provided for the management level.
By assigning time-related cost to schedule activities, the possible delay cost is easily calculated and linked back to the total project cost in the WBS.

cost components
Defining and applying a clear cost component structure is key for cost transparency and control. A basic cost component structure contains at least base cost, risk and escalation, but can be expanded for more detail.
Have a look.

Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
RIAAT allows you to structure all project cost information hierarchically to provide you with a unique and intuitive overview. The WBS tree view can be folded and unfolded, filtered, and sorted.

some risk modelling examples
This information sheet provides some risk modelling examples with the different options for risk likelihood modelling as well as an example of an event tree.

linking templates, calculations elements and simulation results
Using templates reduces manual data entry, and more importantly an update to the template automatically updates all elements in the file that refer to that template. This information sheet shows you how to link templates, calculation elements and simulation results.

Correlations quantify how a simulation result in one project element is associated with a simulation result in related project elements. Here you can find some examples of the different correlation possibilities.

a word on distribution functions
Distribution functions are used in RIAAT to model uncertainties. Within a defined range of values, these distributions allocate a probability of occurrence for each value within that range, making some values more likely, and others less likely to occur.
This section provides an overview of some of the more common distributions such as the triangular or beta-PERT distribution as well as some more advanced distribution functions.

assigning and duplicating cost elements and groups to multiple groups
RIAAT offers several methods to drag, duplicate and copy cost elements and groups into other groups in the same file. This allows to build several variants and data structures containing the same information.

escalation cost
Escalation cost refers to the expected increase in the prices of commodities and services in the future. Especially for long-running megaprojects, escalation cost accounts for a substantial share of the total project cost.
This information sheet briefly shows you how to define temporal outflows for WBS groups or cost elements, and how to include uncertainties in the escalation rate to calculate your project's escalation cost.

show and interpret results in diagrams
RIAAT offers a multitude of diagrams to visualize and summarize your project such as S-curves, cost outflow charts, disc charts, tornado diagrams and cost range diagrams. Depending on which group or cost element is selected in the tree/WBS, the diagrams change accordingly, and contain only the information of the selected entity or group.

The RIAAT add-on RAMS module provides the necessary tools to model your system as accurately as necessary in a fault tree. Depending on your system, you can assign faults to occur simultaneously, declare which system faults are relevant to safety concerns, provide common causes to fault scenarios and both preventive and corrective maintenance times for the system components. You will then be able to determine the probability of failure during a given analysis period, the frequency of outages or concrete down time related to system failures, etc.

example: advanced schedule risk modeling
How to overcome construction projects with complex scheduling obligations with RIAAT.

Thank you for your interest in RIAAT. Get in touch with us if you'd like to receive more information or if you have any questions.